Adult Individual Therapy

I specialize in anxiety, depression, Attention Deficit Disorder and executive functioning issues with adults. As mature humans we have many responses that are automatic or unconscious. Not all of these responses work for our long term interests. I use a Cognitive Behavioral approach and Internal Family Systems techniques to access creative responses to changing those automatic responses. My approach is based on witnessing the person as a whole being and helping one achieve authentic balance in their life.

Child/Family Therapy

When working with youth, it is important to bring simplicity and a sense of playfulness to my work. I firmly believe that no one, especially children, make a bad choice on purpose. One always believes they are making the best choice at the time, even a bad choice is the best choice one believes is available. Youth generally find this a relief to realize when applied to school life or home life where complex dynamics can make one struggle with following the rules or doing the right thing. Therapy for my younger patients is simply stated as ‘more fun, less problems’. With this slogan and a therapeutic routine of semi-structured activities based on positive psychology, a child can make significant changes for the better.

Teen Therapy

Teens are in a unique position of transition between being wanted to be cared for and wanting to be independent. Each teen must be treated different in regards to how they become autonomous adults. Often adult hood is like a dark room with sharp objects in it where one must turn on lights to find one’s way. It is clear that teens will stumble, hurt others and hurt themselves along this path and can really benefit from having an authentic non-judgmental voice encouraging them to be coming their most authentic self.